CRANE® Center Line® Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron Resilient Seated Butterfly Valve, Lug, 200 psi

Ductile Iron Butterfly Valves
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  • Features
  • Operators mounted perpendicular to pipe
  • 24 inch Hg vacuum service
  • Positive shut off bidirectionally
  • Stem bushing reduces torque and isolates the stem from the valve body, preventing seizure of the stem due to corrosion in the stem journal baring
  • Smooth finished disc flats give a highly efficient seal, prevents leakage into shaft areas
  • Precision profile disc provides bubble tight shut off, assures minimum torque and longer seat life
  • Bonding of elastomer to phenolic backing ring protects against distortion, a common cause of shaft leakage
  • Cv factor is the gallons of water per minute (gpm) passed through the valve, with a 1 psi pressure drop
  • Standards/Approvals: ABS/USCG Category A Approved, CE/PED Certified, MSS SP-67, MSS SP-25
  • Applications: For on/off or throttling service, both gaseous and liquid service